Download drivers & firmware

Firmware for NC6 (yellow on black OLED)

Firmware version NC6 250127 (right-click and 'save file as...')

Release notes NC6

Firmware for CBS

Firmware version CS1 240216 (right-click and 'save file as...')

Release notes CS1

Firmware for TCS

Firmware for TCS 5.x (right-click and 'save file as...')

Firmware for TCS 6.x (right-click and 'save file as...')

Firmware for FMS

Firmware for FMS 3 (right-click and 'save file as...')

Release notes FMS 

Firmware for RTC

Controllers as of hardware revision 3.0 can be updated using the multi device updater linked above

Firmware for RTC  (right-click and 'save file as...')

Release notes RTC

Firmware for NC4/NC5 (green LCD, USB)

Firmware version NC4 210628 (right-click and 'save file as...')

Release notes NC4

Firmware for older NCs (green LCD, RS232)

Use a null-modem cable to connect the NanoControl to your computer's serial port.

Download and run the firmware upgrade tool:

RS232 Firmware Upgrade Tool

After confirming which hardware revision your NC has, choose and install the firmware:

Firmware version NC3 201217 (right-click and 'save file as...')

Firmware version NC2 201217 (right-click and 'save file as...')

Release notes NC2/3